What is main symptoms to recognize Japanese fever? And how to prevent from it if somebody's have the same problem in our locality? Is this communicable or not? Tell me the special doctor or anything hospital who will cure this? In what department I have to consult this?
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Japanese fever or Japanese encephalitis is a disease spread through vmosqito bites symptoms usually take 5to15 days to drvolop and include fever,headeche, vomiting ,confusion, and difficult moving symptoms that develop later include swelling around the brain. Japanese encephalitis is transmission bto humans through the bite of infected culrx species mosquito particularly culex tritaeniorhynchus.it vaccine preventable encephalitis in Asia and western specific..there is no specific treatments for zJE treatment involves management of the symptoms. there is no evidence of person to person spread of JE.. diagnosis is made by a blood test.
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