Doctor my age is 20 years my weight is 63 kgs .i have pcos from last 3 years .i used many medication from 3 years .finally from 2 months my periods are getting regular .i got married recently 5 months completed but no pregnancy .we are planing for pregnancy .did my pcod cured .is there any chance to get pregnant .from last two days I am using ovabless myo to get pregnant how many months want to use to get pregnant.
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Hello! regular periods could be a sign of ovulation. To know if ovulation is happening or not you can track the follicle development by usg. This would be the most accurate method out of all. If you have a regular cycle of 30 days duration then to maximize chances of pregnancy, have sex on the 11,13,15 daysof your period. Keep your weight under check as it will improve your fertility. Start taking folic acid supplement, one tablet every day.
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If your periods are regular now, there is a chance you may conceive naturally. Continue the ovabless and maintain your weight in the healthy range for your height. Indulge in as much intercourse as possible in the the 12-15th day of your period every cycle. Try like this for atleast one year. If you don't conceive, consult an infertility specialist.
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Dear, you need detailed counselling. In pcos, usually ovulation is faulty. You will need follicular study.
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if your periods is regular then you can try naturally in the ovulation period from 10th to 18th day for 30 days cycle but if you want to to have more precision in getting pregnancy then you have to try follicle study with time intercourse if there is irregularity in your period then you can try ovulation induction with follicular monitoring and timed intercourse
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