I have pcos for 10 years and I have 2 babies and now 8 months back again I got pregnant 45 days doctor gave me 2 tablets and got my period and in between 7 months I took femilon tablet and I got some problem of anxiety and I am feeling pain from left back shoulder arm and it radiates to chest consulted a cardiologists he said to stop femilon and take injection of depo kare after this dose I am bleeding continuously from 2nd august to till date. Pls help me to overcome.
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This can be because of the improper withdrawal bleeding happened after a sudden stoppage of femilon tablet so what we can do is we can check in ultrasound scan to find out the endometrial thickness if it is thick then we can give you withdrawal medicine to get the bleeding out.
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You need to take haemostats. Do not worry. It will get corrected and we can discuss other modes of contraception. Please contact me for discussion and advice.
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Get an ultrasound done to rule out retained products of conception. Depending on that further treatment will be decided. If you can't take femilon and don't want any more children, you can consider getting tubectomy done.
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