My lmp 18 sep nd cycle length 28 day .doc gave me letrozole 2.5 mg folic acid. Nd 15 day of period give me bharglob injection 16.5 2 ml .because of apla positive .now my period missed. Can you please tell me bharglob injection cause period delay.
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No. Bharglob help in rupturing mature follicle (egg, wait for 1 week and then get your upt done. There might be some good news.
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Since you have taken ovulation induction drugs, there is a chance you are pregnant. Apla positive patients have a risk of miscarriage so you were given bharglob that can increase chance of conception. Wait for one more week. If period still doesn't come, do a urine pregnancy test.
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Ivig therapy is safe to receive during pregnancy in fact it is used with high risk pregnancies to prevent loss and is often administered after delivery to prevent relapse events in multiple sclerosis that may occur in the post-partum period.
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