I am taking libotryp ds for anxiety, sleep disorder, morning vomiting, tension headache, irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea, but there are several aide effects which I am experiencing. Drowsiness erectile dysfunction weakness please suggest any alternative medicine which are not having these side effects.
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Dear Lybrate user, it must be hard going through anxiety and the side effects. With regards to medication please, consult your psychiatrist, but i'll also suggest that you go for psychological counseling/ therapy. Therapy will help you manage anxiety, sleep isssues etc. With certain strategies and techniques. It'll help you go to the root of your concern. Therapy will also help you in the long term. Especially cognitive behaviour therapy is proven and widely used to treat anxiety. Please consult a psychologist. Once you've learned to manage anxiety, you can reduce your dependence on medications as well. For help you can contact me as well. Regards, aaradhana reddy counselling psychologist.
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Hello Lybrate user, use homoeopathic medications for your problem to get instant and effective results. Its curable, no need to worry about. Homoeopathic medicines plays excellent role to treat such problems in a hollistic way without any side effect. I suggest you to message me your complete history in private chat with all reports & details & consult online through Lybrate. I will guide you for holistic & effective results with homoeopathy! take care!
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Dear Lybrate user you are already taking medicine and you are also aware of its side effects. The more tou will continue the medicines, the more will be the side effects because no medicine comes without it. I would recommend you to go for counseling. All the issues that you have mentioned are more related to your thought pattern than anything else. You need proper counseling sessions which will help you to channelize your thoughts in the right direction. You need to understand that it's all about our thoughts, so seek counseling. You can contact me for online sessions.
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Sir, as I see, you have multiple issues and also experiencing some undesirable effects while on medication. I would suggest you to kindly walk into psychiatrist opd and he will be able to address your issues. Also do mention to him if you have addictions like alcohol/ smoking etc
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Dear lybrate-user, libotryp ds is an old drug. There are many newer alternatives. Not that these alternatives, don't have side effects. They may have different side effects and some of the side effects may be beneficial to you. For any drug prescription, you have to consult a psychiatrist in person or on video call.
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Lybrate user, you have not mentioned how long you have been taking libotryp. If it is within a month, the symptoms will gradually disappear soon. If more than a month, you better consult the doctor to change the medicine or adjust the dosage. Increase your physical activities, like walking, yoga or other forms of exercises. Engage in sexual activities only when you feel good (good mood, free from drowsiness) and try not to test how well the erection is. Prolong the interval between one episode of sex and the next. For example, if it is once a week, make it every two weeks. Get an online appointment if you need more assistance.
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