I am having a boil at the base of the penis where there are hairs. It was itching so I scratched and some pubic hairs were uprooted. Where they were uprooted a boil has appeared. Its a pus filled boil which pains when touched. This happens to me all the time. Whenever I scratch some pubic hairs are uprooted and that place has a boil. Mostly this boil remains till 10 days and then it bursts open with lot of pus and blood oozing out and whenever I clean it I apply soframycin there and it heals in 2 days. Why this keeps happening? Is it normal?
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Hi, no it's not normal to have recurring skin infection. 1. Check blood sugar level 2. Maintain cleanliness 3. Take homeopathic medicine from a registered physician to reduce tendency of skin infections. Thanks, Dr. Pralay dutta bhms (cal - nih, govt. Of india), mba hcs (smu) teaining: diabetes (cph univ, denmark) certf - water borne disease (wash, unicef) dist. Consultant - public health, smp darjeeling (dept. Of health, govt. Of wb) consultant homoeopath (crpf hospital, siliguri) district trainer - infection control (dept. Of health, govt of wb) sr. Consultant homoeopath (15 years experience) reg no: chmwb 26967 ex-hmo, homoeopathic science congress society ex clinical asst. - vive health care, siliguri - neotia getwel hospital, siliguri - fortis hospital, anadapur, kolkata - apollo gleneagles hospital, kolkata.
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Treatment depends on the severity of problem. Bacterial growth. For detailed prescription do direct online consultation with photos.
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Hi! always direct examination of the skin condition is need for better understanding and evaluation. From your history, could able to know that you are suffering from folliculitis /furunculosis - a bacterial infection. This can become a chronic problem ,which can take a longer time to resolve not treated at right time. Internal health like diabetes, hypercholestrolemia, atopy ,obesity, diet, stress etc can be associated with folliculitis scalp. Check your weight, lipid profile, sugar levels etc to find out the association. Reduce diet having high glycemic index, oily foods which control flares or pop ups. Usually, nose (nostrils) is the reservoir of bacteria like staph ,so try to put mupirocin oint or sodium fusidate cream in the nostrils to avoid bacterial colonisation. Please check with your local dermatologist for further evaluation.
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