I am a 25 years male .2 months ago I have urination problem so doctor advice me to take urimax d for I month. Urimax d made with dutasteride and tamsulosin .after taking 1 single tablet next day I realized that I lost my sexual desire and unable to thought any sexual moment even now if I touched any boobs my penis not getting erection. Before 2 months ago if I thought any sexual moment or watching porn my penis gets hard erection but after taking this medicine now I have a panic life. But it is all normal before taking the urimax d.plz tell me what to do. please help me because I have in very panic condition.
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Plz give a detailed history regarding your urine problem. Dutasteride should be stopped as it is not given to young patients.
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Dear Lybrate user, kindly note that if you are having sexual intercourse for the first time or if you are� having sexual relation after an interval of minimum 7 days then you are bound to discharge quickly during intercourse but that does not imply that you have any disease. It occurs due to loss of control of the muscles of penis. Normally it is seen that when a person does sexual intercourse daily he gains control over the muscles of penis & can stay longer during sex. But if you notice that you are ejaculating quickly in spite of daily sexual interaction then you need to take homoeopathic dilution titanium 200, 5 drops, thrice daily, in empty stomach to get rid of premature ejaculation. Also notice whether you are having a second erection within 15 minutes of ejaculation for the first time. If you are not experiencing any second erection within 15 minutes of first� ejaculation & the first ejaculation happens quickly then you are surely suffering from erectile dysfunction. There will be a change of medication in this case. To get rid of erectile dysfunction you need to take homoeopathic mother tincture damiana q, 30 drops, thrice daily, after meals, in a cup of water. Kindly note that this medication may not be sufficient enough to take care of your problem. These medicines are based on the symptoms of your diseased condition & these medicines need to be complemented by further deep-acting remedies in order to permanently eliminate the underlying cause of the disease. So I would suggest you to consult me privately via Lybrate as it is very necessary to diagnose the proper underlying cause of your problem if you are wishing for a permanent relief from your problems. A permanent annihilation of the underlying cause of the disease will not only provide you relief from your troubles but it will also cease any chance of further relapse of that particular disease condition. You can consult me privately through my private url� url/baharampur/doctor/dr-prithviraj-singha-homeopath after opening that aforesaid url, click on the consult online option & pay the consultation fees. As you pay the consultation fees, Lybrate will open a private chatbox through which you will be able to discuss your ailments with me for the next 7 days & get a comprehensive treatment procedure for your problems thereafter.
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