Hello doctor. I am facing itching problem since last 4 years specially during night time. I get itching on my plans and foot and between the fingers. I take half allegra 120 on very 2/3 days and in between I just keep my hands and foot on hot water for few minutes and get relief. My sleep also get disturb because of itching. Please suggest/advice.
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Since when r you having this?What r other symptoms that you r experiencing? By doing what like walking, exertion- itching increases or decreases in intensity. For how much time it remains? It can be because of dermatitis/ eczema or allergy or dryness or fungal infection or psoaiasis etc. I need details of case n preferably pics of affected area. In the meanwhile follow this moisturize frequently. Coconut oil and glycerine are good options. Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity. Avoid sweating or overheating. Reduce stress. Avoid scratchy materials, such as wool directly in contact with skin. Avoid harsh soaps, detergents, and solvents. Be aware of any foods that may cause an outbreak and avoid those foods. For this homeopathic treatment is very effective for more details consult online.
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Ideally will need to see your palms n foot. Possibilities are hand n foot dermatits, pressure urticaria, eczema, tinea etc. Accordingly treatment/management can be suggested.
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