My baby is 5 months old and he is totally on breast milk. Sometimes when I become ill or in some other hectic condition I try to give my child fm lactogen but he throws it outside and cry loudly he doesn't take and I feel his requirement is not being fulfilled by my milk only. I want to give him fm. Pls suggest something I am worried about my child and also tell should I try any other formula milk may be the taste will change and he take kindly mention other formula milk name also with solutions.
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It is advisable to give breastfeed every 1-2 hrly which will provide sufficient milk to your baby. If you want to give formula feed you can try similac -1 advanced or dexolac instead of lactogen.
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Hi lybrate-user it’s common to have such issues when child is completely on brest milk and you try other formula in between. Sometimes taste matters a lot for the baby one thing you can do is to add little bit of sugar to the formula if he is accepting it other thing you can try different formula if baby is throwing up some options are 1. Similac advance 2. Infamil 3. Daxolac and in 1 month time your baby will turn in to 6 months so after that you can start weaning foods as per your pediatrician’s advise.
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Since your baby is 5 months and has been breast fed exclusively till now you can manage with breast feeding as from 6 months of life weaning will start and solid foods have to be given then breast milk requirement will decrease automatically. If the baby passes adequate urine and gains adequate weight then feeding is adequate.
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