On 21st feb I took ipill & on 27th feb we get intimate (but not phy. Intercourse, he put his finger into my vagina. I think on his finger & in my vagina area there's no semen contacts. Next day i, e on 28th feb my bleeding had started & it stayed for 3 -4 days! flow light than normal (it's maybe withdrawal bleeding due to ipll taken) though the actual due date was 11th march.& as well as, on feb my normal mens had arrived on 11th feb & stayed for 4-5 days normally. ,here my question is, is there any possibility of getting preg? What'll my next expected period time?
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Hello, no you can not get pregnant with fingering. I pill as such is a hormonal pill and it has many side effects on your periods. So avoid taking I pill as a regular contraceptive measure, it is supposed to be an emergency contraceptive. Alwaus yous barrier contraceptive. Now it is difficult to predict your next cycle because it is bound tobe disturbed by I pill. So next periods can either come on your next menstrual date as usual or after a month from withdrawal bleed. So just wait for next periods. If you get few more episodes of bleeding then you need to consult a doctor to regularise the menses.
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Since you have had bleeding, there is no chance of pregnancy. But Ipill should be taken after intercourse and not before. Also don't make it a regular habit or periods will become irregular.
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