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Confused about periods & plan B? I had sex 4 times last month.� Feb 11 & 18 (unprotected and had ipill both times) 26 & march 9 (protected)� I had my periods on 12th feb and on 28th Feb I had period like bleeding (comparatively low flow)� And I missed my period in Jan, expected date was 28th Jan. As I wasn't sexually active then so I didn't bother about it coz it happens to me once in a year. I had pregnancy urine test on 4 march and 18 march, both negative. On 13th march I had brown spotting for 2 days and on brown discharge after that.� Now the discharge is clear white.� I'm feeling bloated, nausea and vomiting like feeling, lost appetite and stressed because of late periods.� I just want to know that the urine test I did, should I rely upon them? And what's now my actual period date is? 13th or 28th?� Could I be pregnant?� Should I be worried or its just double dose of ipill messing the things.
1Doctor Answered
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Your actual period date should be 28th march now as you had your last withdrawal bleed by 28th feb. You should get a urine pregnancy test by 5th april to rule out pregnancy if at all confirmatively.
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