Hello doctor. I am a 29 year old male from India. I need help. I am suffering from stomach related issues from last 5 - 6 years. Initially in 2007 or 2008, I used to be allergic to certain food. I used to get rashes on skin on eating certain spicy food. If I take atarax tablet it used to solve the problem so was not concerned much and later it went off on its own. But in 2012 I started having acid reflux or gerd kind of symptoms. After taking medicines which doctor had given for gerd it used to get solved then again re appear some time. I do not want this to create other problems in future. I took ayurvedic medicines for close to an year but it did not help much Below are the symptoms that I get at least once in 2 months and I will have a downtime of a week or so. Acidic burps, bloating, slight stomach pain, Constant nausea feeling, Feels very sleepy and tired after eating food, lot of burps. I get acidity after eating certain foods like egg, Split Black Gram, chocolates, oranges. Also, I had a left inguinal hernia surgery in 2008. Not sure if that is anyway related. I want a permanent solution for these symptoms since it keeps bothering me with my plans or ambitions in life. Although I do not get these symptoms always but once in few days I get.
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Homoeopathic treatment------------------------- gastrobin (wilmar schwabe india) drink slowly 20 drops in 20 ml fresh water 3 times daily. -------------------------------------------- nux vomica 30 (dr. Reckeweg) drink 5 drops in 1 spoon fresh water at night bed time--------------- digecom syrup (wellman lab) drink 2 spoons 10 minute after meals 3 times a day --------------- do nd do notss---------------------------------- 1. Avoid fast, spicy nd fried food ------------- 2. Avoid tea, coffe nd cold drinks -------------------- 3. Try to take nutritious easy digestible home made food----- 4. No any intake of water 30 minutes before nd after meals. This is possible only if the meals r non spicy nd if you r eating slowly. ------------------------- 5. Eat half chapati less than your appetite.------------------ 6. My personal addition. 1 fast in a week is must (only 1 meals in the evening) in a week if you r habitually suffering from acidity problem. It will pay you in future ------------------ 7. Breafast nd dinner light nd lunch can be heavy ------------------------ 8.10 minutes evening walk after dinner is a must ----------------
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