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Hi doctor, I am suffering from anxiety depression since 3 june. I took vertigon 16 thrice a day after doc prescribed in dubai due to vertigo along with it, neurobion vitamin tablets for 2 days and suddenly evening felt like my brain is becoming violent and everything negy started in my mind even for my husband, my legs feet became cold, getting anger, irritation, felt like killing myself, I suddenly moved to india, and consulted ent specialist as I found some inner ear issues, also vitamin d 12 level, then got medicines, d3 and rebagen otic allegra m for 21 days, but my irritation problem anxiety did not reduce, it was still same consulted a psychiatrist online, he suggested nexito plus which I am taking in night since 9 days, little improvement is there, but in morning again feels irritation sometimes, negative thought, he then asked to take placida, I am not sure if I can take this much medicines all together. I need to go to dubai back next week and join job, kindly suggest me how to deal with it.

2Doctors Answered
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