My baby was 8 months .she suffer from loose motion for one day. Can I use sporlac powder .and how to give .plz suggest me?
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Rx 1.veratum album 200 x 9 dose tds x 3 days let me know after 7 days.
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1.who ors 50-100 ml after each loose stools 2. Sporolac powder dissolved in water twice a day �3 days. 3. Zn20 drops (20 mg/ml) 1 ml once a day �14 days. 4.continue breast feeding advice: 1. Watch for warning signs in form of letharginess, not drinking ors, not passed urine for 6 hrs, blood in stools& persistant vomitting. 2. Diet: curd rice, banana, sabudaana kheer, mashed potato curd, avoid juices.
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Dear lybrate-user, I would suggest just keep your baby hydrated with ors solution and continue breastfeeding. And stop any new food product if introduced recently.
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