I am a male age 36 suffered tia on 18 jul 22. Get admitted in command hospital for 10 days and discharged with medication like ecosprin, atorvastatin and clopid along with multivitamins. But still I feel pain and weakness in my both legs. Need your help in this regard. Thank you.
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Regards Lybrate user. Tia refers to transient ischemic attack. That means there was a momentary block in the blood vessels in the brain (could be any part of it), leading to no oxygen/nutrition supply to the nerves in the brain. So the nerves tend to shut down their work which indirectly affects our body functions like movements of arms/legs/face etc. Recovery usually occurs within 24 hours. One needs to understand even though this is just momentary, that it is still a big blow to the nerves. The system gets shaken up (like in case of emergencies similar to earthquakes) when people do not understand what to do and what not to do. Similarly, the nerves take some time to realize what had happened and how they can recover from that insult. It is essential to be patient and continue to observe yourself. You may focus on relaxation techniques like meditation, relaxed breathing exercises to calm the system and help them to refocus. When in lying or sitting, focus on every single movement that you can perform. You may perform the movements of neck, back, arms, legs (like forward, backward, inward, outward) both physically through the full movement. Appreciate the movement by closing the eyes and feel the movement. Perform slowly. Also when sitting or lying relaxed, you may close your eyes and imagine that you are moving your body (though not physically moving it), in all possible directions, again slowly & feel the movement. Such virtual imaginations, tend to strengthen the system and will help you get back to normalcy earlier. If you prefer a virtual consult, we will be glad to help you as well. You may choose doctor referral code drc221. Wish you a speedy recovery.
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It's very common to have weakness and pain following tia. A good physiotherapist should asses and advise regarding strengthening exercises which will relieve the pain and weakness in legs.
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