My father age is 62 years and weight is 61 kg. In blood sugar test fasting sugar was found to be 117 ng (normal level 70-110 ng). What do you suggest, do we have to consult doctor and start medication or by limiting sugar intake in diet and starting more physical activity he can bring down sugar level in normal range? Please advice.
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Dear lybrate user, your father does not need any medication for blood sugar unless his post-prandial blood sugar level touches 200. However, as a precaution he can limit the intake of sugar in his diet as well as he can walk for 1 hour daily.
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There may be some confusion about Normal Blood Sugar Levels at 1. Fasting and 2. two hours after food in person who is not diabetic as per ADA, NICE and WHO Guidelines. But we can safely assume 108 mg% as Fasting and 125 as after food. Above 126 as fasting and above 200 mg after food or Random is taken as diabetic. Above these reading in Fasting is called as Impaired Fasting Glucose and Higher than 125 after food as Impaired Glucose Tolerance . These two conditions are termed as Prediabetics and not Diabetic as such hence they should take precautions to postpone the occurrence of Diabetes by . life style measures like weight reduction, diet precautions like minimisng free sugar , calori control and regular exercise like walking for 30 minutes daily. Periodical review once in 6 months for blood sugar levels mentioned above and HbA1c estimation may be necessary Ideal weight for your father is 56 Kg
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Dear lybrate user, your father has pre-diabetes which is the precursor stage for diabetes. For diagnosis of diabetes, fasting blood sugar should be greater than 126mg/dl atleast on two separate occasions. At this stage your father will benefit immensely out of dietary and physical exercises. Its not a stage to hit the panic button but none-the-less it always pays to be alert.
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Mr. Lybrate-user, blood sugar fasting 108 to 125 mg/100 ml and pp 141 to 199 mg/100ml is considered as pre- diabetes. There is no drug treatment advised. Diet control, regular exercise, avoiding alcohol and smoking, sweetened aerated drinks (colas), deep fried foods, bakery items, pastries, red meat etc. Diabetes is diagnosed when fasting is >126mg, pp>200 mg.
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