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You have premature ejaculation problem. I guarantee you best and permanent results. You need to take 30 days treatment to make strong your pelvic floor muscles and make semen thick in consistency. You have to follow certain instructions for permanent solution to your problem. I give you 100% guarantee for increase in sex time and more sex confidence throughout life. If interested, I advise you to tell me your eating habits and any addiction to alcohol or cigarette, for better guidance and natural, safe and permanent treatment, by calling me through lybrate.
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Hi, lybrate user, ?Tk, Aloe Vera� juice,pomegranate juice , Milk, Banana and water melon inorder to improve testosterone level and to regulate blood flow towards penis increasing errection and libido. ?Go for aerobics excercise, regulating blood circulation to your penile arteries to ease your distress. ?Consult ,privetly for a faster recovery , till , then ,take,homoeopathic medicine ,underlying: @ AshwagandhaQ-10 drops ,thrice with 2tsfl of normal water. ?Avoid,junk food, alcohol and Nicotine. ?Tk, care.
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