Hello doctor. I am 27 years old female. My hemoglobin level generally remains low. I though do not face any problem. Please tell me what level of hemoglobin is dangerously low?
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There are mixed views regarding the low hemoglobin levels. Several health experts believe that patients who fall below 10 g/dl should get a blood transfusion. But recent research shows that several patients with levels between 7 and 10 g/dl may not need a blood transfusion. One unit of blood is usually as good as two, and it may even be safer.
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Haemoglobin level maintenance is important because this is the only agent which takes oxygen to all tissues for their life sustenance. You are are not experiencing any difficulty because your body is able to manage with low level of oxygen because of young age. You will get all the cumulative effects showing your systems failure as you advance in age. My advise is to maintain good levels of haemoglobin so that your heart need to function effectively and supply oxygen to all parts so that they will maintain their sustenance
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