My mother 73 yes is rheumatoid arthritis patient since 30 yrs. She is on steroids. Now walking has become nearly nil. Is knee replacement surgery safe for rheumatic patients? What could be the negatives if we go for bilateral TKR.
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Dear Lybrate user, Rheumatoid arthritis can involve any joints in body but primarily small joints. There is no contraindication of TKR in rheumatoid arthritis patients unless some other systemic disease present. Consult any joints replacement surgeon and after that get Pre-Anaesthetic check up done, which will clearly show if she can go for surgery on basis of her fitness for surgery. If she if otherwise medically fit there shouldn't be any issue with TKR. There is no negative for B/l TKR, only duration of sugary increases along with but of blood loss. If she is fit for one TKR, bilateral can also be done, you can choose you want to get it done in one sitting or separate.
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Please try rasnerandadhi kwatham with amruthotharam kwatham. Take 10 mleach mixed with 60 ml boiled and cooled water and add one teaspoon shaddharana choornam takes twice daily before food, cap orthonil one cap thrice daily after food, tab yog sallaki two tab twice daily before food, amrutharishtam 25 ml twice daily after food. Continue this for one month and then contact for a panchakarma treatment.
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