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Menstrual cycles cramping then ate something. A few hours later I started feeling sick to my stomach dizziness and light headedness this is due to gastric problem and it generally happens during the menstrual cycles. Need not bother about that this is due to gastric problem and it generally happens during the menstrual cycles. You can take tamarind juice ie. Tamarind should be soaked in cold water (the quantity of tamarind is almost a lemon size) soak it in cold water until the tamarind dips. Then you can add black jaggery in side that once it is diluted then you can filter and you can drink until you feel better. This is due to gastric problem and you need to add more ginger in the body for the food to get digested and also it improves the digestion process and it helps to improve the digestive enzymes formed inside the body. Since I am a physiotherapist I cannot suggest medicine but I suggest you to do hot water fermentations that would help you to get relieved from joint pains. I also suggest you to go for good ayurvedic body massage which would help you to get relieved from joint pain and also swimming activity is advisable. But food precautions, it is better to avoid tamarind in the food rather to add lime or mango. And also avoid eating fried food.
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Hello, there is nothing to worry about your condition, mild to moderate cramps can be expected, however, if it is continuous and repeated in every cycle, then you should think about some natural therapies. Usage of garlic daily with processed in milk is helpful. For more details in this regard, please contact me. Thanks and regards,
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