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Hi, doctors. I really need your help with something. So my boyfriend he is 23m now. He is on paroxetine 50 mg, melatonin 10 mg and propranolol 40 for anxiety. For past 1.5 -2 years he keeps developing this very severe pneumonia episodes constantly. He would get a mild cold. He'll take montelukast, levocetirizine and it'll be almost unnoticeable. Just a runny nose sometimes, you know the kind you get if you have a dust allergy or and a sneeze here and there. But then within a few weeks he'll suddenly develop phlegm in chest, severe coughing and severe shortness of breath. And then he'll require antibiotic treatments. Most of the times 2 of them together and cough syrup, bronchodialaters and what not. The frequency of this is concerns me. The last was in june last week I suppose. He then again developed this today. Like a month probably goes by and he gets these. I am just so worried. Like could there be something wrong with him! why does he keep getting those! all the time. A lot of the times there even have no clear triggers. This time he got wet in the rain though. I don't know what to do and i'm worried out of my mind. Any advice is appreciated. P.s he has no other illness that I can think of. Although the gp was a bit concerned about his neutrophil count in june. Then he repeated the test and the value was 43. Then gp said it's all ok in that case. Not any smoking drinking or any other substance is done.

2Doctors Answered
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