I am suffering from anal fissure for a past 2 months. 1 month before I undergone a surgery for anal abscess. I have been given medicines and a ointment, the pain got reduced but I have some discomfort in anal area. So please suggest me a solution to get rid of anal fissure.
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Discomfort will go away gradually.
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Take sitz bath 3 to 4 times a day. Do anal exercises during sitz bath nd even otherwise. Increase leafy vegetables fruits and salad in diet. Avoid spices nd chillies. Take lot of fluids. Keep a follow up with your surgeon.
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Respected lybrate-user hi basic thing is to avoid hard stools continue stool softener given by your Dr. With ointment. Have more liquids green leafy veg fibers fruits curd for better digestion avoid all spicy oily nonveg stuffs. Avoid smoking if doing. Sit in tub filled with leuk warm water for 10-10 min regularly mor & eve & after passing stools dear thanks regards.
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