Hello Doctor, Last month I got my usg and reports says I have urine fibroid of 30�26 mm. My periods are regular but severe pain on 2nd day. Is there any treatment for the same except surgery. Please suggest me. Thanks in advance.
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Hi lybrate-user, now the fibroid size is small n single fibroid so no need of surgery, but you need to monitor its growth in size n number, so repeat scan after 6 months or in between if there is any excessive bleeding with clots n consult a gynaecologist. Regarding pain during periods take tab meftal 250 mg twice during periods, if it's not subsiding with this med then consult a doctor.
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It's too small to get operated. It will not go by medicating. Your treatment varies depending upon your obstetrics history. If you have kids then no issue and if not don't have them there may be risk of getting aborting that too depend on where fibroid is located and which layer of uterus it is present.
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Hello lybrate-user fibroid uterus can only be treated by surgery. If you can tolerate pain and if you are not bleeding heavy then just take some pain killer tablets during periods. Might not need to rush for surgery.
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