I feel breathlessness occasionally. I take montek lc tablet for that. Is it a right medicine for long use?
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This is an antihistaminc drug, and if you get relief, it means you have some allergy. All of the allergies, what is done, is avoid direct contact with the allergen. As a routine we doctors do prescribe antihistamincs and/or steroids in the form of oral, local. And injectable medicines. Allergy tests are available and after finding the specific antigen, desensitization also can be done. Montlukast can very safely be used for quite long. Hope you are helped. Regards.
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Hello, if you are already on montek lc by prescription please continue it. You can continue if for a longer time like 3 months but regularly. Get a detailed information particularly when you feel breathless. Thank you.
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This tab have antiallergic and anti inflamatory properties. IF breathless is occasional then use SABA inhalation as and when required as it is bronchodialator and help in breathlessness.
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