Hi I'm 21 year old male. I'm seeing some type of floaters in front of my eye like dark circles, though they are very faint and it just one stop in both eyes, I see them during daylight. please tell me what should I do. Thanks.
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Drink more water good sleep take more veg diet.. Chyavanaprasam 1 tsp bedtime with milk. practice these...
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These are floaters and are part of your eye. They do no damage to your eye or vision. Just focus on what you want to see n ignore them. If their number suddenly increase or you see flashes of light you need to consult an eye doctor, otherwise you can be reassured.
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Floaters can be because of many reasons. So get your eye examination done including retina check up.
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Hello floaters are due to vitreous (gel in eye) liquifaction there is no treatment for this just avoid seeing them these are entirely normal consult ophthalmologist if these suddenly increase in number this is a provisional diagnosis. Consult your ophthalmologist for detailed examination.
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