Hlo sir I am 24 year old and I am student. I am sleeping for 11 pm to 8 am in night time and 2 pm toh 5 pm in after noon how I can reduce every night I think morning I go for walk but I can not . Send me tips how I can reduce sleep time and concentration on my study.
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afternoon sleep it is not good for health. night sleep it is ok. afternoon meet your friends or attend college classes. afternoon do some class work. make a good plan of studies.solve it slowly. how many questions today i read make a red make on that. how many pending write on your notes. everyday please make a plan how many i read how many remaining. how many days it will take. afternoon mind working very actively. so do hard work on afternoon. take rest on night time. if you have a will you will do that. dont postpone the studies. it will be very burden on exams time. do some work. remaining spend some more time with your friends. hard work time do some hard work. remaining time enjoy. dont waste time. be share your feelings and problems with your friends and family members. be sociable and be happy all the time. ok best of luck.
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