Sir after taking (Misoprostol Mifepristone) on 25 July I started heavy bleeding with clotting I feel cramp and bleeding happen till 9 days but I am not seeing any symptoms of pregnancy I am fine but when my periods will start and my abortion happen or not please guide me sir.
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Abortion has completed in July end and August first week itself. You are due for your next periods.After the abortion are you using any protection?
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Most of the side effects when using this early abortion option are caused by the second medication, misoprostol. Side-effects may include heavy bleeding, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy cramping. Vaginal bleeding with medical abortion could be extremely heavy. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone needed to maintain the pregnancy. Because this hormone is blocked, the uterine lining begins to shed, the cervix begins to soften and bleeding may occur. With the later addition of the second medication, misoprostol, the uterus contracts and the pregnancy is usually expelled within 6 to 8 hours. Aftercare a follow-up exam is scheduled for two weeks later to make sure the process is complete. If you have not yet miscarried, we will perform a aspiration abortion. A very small percentage (5%) of women do not pass the pregnancy tissue and need a suction procedure to complete the process. Side effects most of the side effects when using this early abortion option are caused by the second medication, misoprostol. Side-effects may include heavy bleeding, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy cramping. Risks vaginal bleeding with medical abortion could be extremely heavy. In rare situations it could require a aspiration abortion and very rarely, a blood transfusion. You will be given our 24-hour hotline number to call if you have any problems. Medical staff are on call at all times to answer your medical questions and concerns. If pregnancy is continued after taking these medications, there is a high risk of fetal deformities. Aftercare a follow-up exam is scheduled for two weeks later to make sure the process is complete. If you have not yet miscarried, we will perform a aspiration abortion. A very small percentage (5%) of women do not pass the pregnancy tissue and need a suction procedure to complete the process. Side effects most of the side effects when using this early abortion option are caused by the second medication, misoprostol. Side-effects may include heavy bleeding, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy cramping. Risks vaginal bleeding with medical abortion could be extremely heavy. In rare situations it could require a aspiration abortion and very rarely, a blood transfusion. You will be given our 24-hour hotline number to call if you have any problems. Medical staff are on call at all times to answer your medical questions and concerns. If pregnancy is continued after taking these medications, there is a high risk of fetal deformities.
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