From past one month i'm suffering irregular periods I had my periods on last week of july then again in First week of august I saw little spotting of blood for maybe 2 days then I had normal periods that were scheduled to be around 20 or 22august but I got them on 19-23august but now since 1sep again I have little bleeding continuing till now and sometimes it pains in my back n lower abdomentoo I had physical relations with my husband I maximum times used ipill rather than condom maybe thrice in a month what further should I do how can I get my normal period cycle back.
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Hello, Lybrate user, * Tk, plenty of water to hydrate yourself ,to eliminate toxins & to dilute your blood to establish your flow by regulating metabolism to absorb nutrients to nourish your body. * go for meditation to reduce your stress, anxiety to calm your nerve to ease your stress, improving Oxygen volume in blood in order, to establish your smooth flow, improving haemoglobin level. * your diet be simple, non- irritant, easily digestible on time to maintain your digestion, avoiding gastric disorder. * Tk, Apple, carrots,cheese, milk,banana, papaya, pomegranate, spinach,almonds, walnuts to improve your haemoglobin to release your flow, timely. * Tk, Homoeo medicine, gentle & rapid in action with no adverse effect, thereof. @ Pulsatilla 200-6 pills, thrice * Ensure, sound sleep in d night for at least 7 hrs. * Avoid, caffiene,junkfood, dust,smoke, exertion > Your feedback will highly b appreciated for further, follow up. Tk,care.
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Dear Lybrate user, One should not use ipill so frequently. It is an emergency pill and should be used as an emergency measure only. One should use contraceptive measures. Ipill causes menstrual disturbances. That is the likely cause of irregular periods in your case.
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