How should a person get screening tests to detect all kinds/major kinds of cancer? I need to understand ways to prevent cancer from occurring. I have seen many people suffering from this disease and its very scary.
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Hi lybrate-user, I appreciate you seeking clarification. Commonly blood tests/ tumor markers, scans and biopsies are usually employed to diagnose cancer, with biopsy being the gold standard that clinches the diagnosis. The tests, as mentioned above, vary from cancer to cancer. In certain early stage cancers, the symptoms are quite mild and hence go unnoticed mostly. Routine health checkups, however, may help catch these early. Specifically, basis the cancer society recommendations, one needs to be watchful about seven cardinal warning signs (C.A.U.T.I.O.N) of cancer, as given below - C - Change in bowel habits A - A sore that does not heal U - Unusual bleeding or discharge T - Thickening or enlargement of a lump I - Indigestion or difficulty swallowing (/ dysphagia) O - Obvious change in a wart or mole N - Nagging cough or hoarseness In general, following a healthy and balanced diet (preferably Mediterranean) & active lifestyle with due emphasis on regular exercise, stress reduction and relaxation can help reduce the risks of getting cancer. Hope this clarifies. Do take care and all the very best. Sincerely
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Ways to prevent cancer - Stay away from any kind of addiction - Regular exercise - Healthy food - Lots of water daily - Fruits and green leafy vegetables - Take care of yourself and love yourself. Screening tests. Female -Cervix cancer Age limit 35 and beyond Test: Pap smear Who can do: Gynecologists - Breast Cancer Self breast examination - All ages Mammo sonography Age: 40 YRS and beyond Male - Prostate cancer Age 50 and beyond Test: PSA test from blood - Colon a cancer Age 50 and beyond Test: Stool test for occult blood Colonoscopy - Oral cancer Age - All addicted Test - Oral examination Biopsy from doubtful part - Lung cancer Age 40 years and beyond Test - Low dose CECT scan.
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Good healthy life style is the mantra for cancer free life.
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