I went to hospital For Donate a Blood. I smoke everyday bt before 14 hours going for blood donation I don't smoke. They don't take my blood because my blood have 19.64 something hemoglobin. How much hemoglobin want for blood donation? Nd how many days I have to stop smoke if I want to do blood donation.
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Hello, Lybrate user, It's an appreciable act you have performed & to perform like blood donation to save the lives of needy persons. Your haemoglobine level should be upto 11% to 14% to go for blood donation. U are well aware now that smoking makes you a person of no use for your family & for others. Not only that smoking, blocks & damages your air pipe, including lungs. Causing lungs cancer, copd,diminishing its capacity to retain oxygen. Smoking, increases cholesterol level, threatening to heart. U, being the ,victim of breathing disorder, Asthma,gastric disorder, diseases of eyes, palpitation of heart with anaemia. Lack of concentration. Irritation with anguish temperament. Loss of weight, insomnia,will ruin yours as well as your spouse & children's future. * It's advisable to get rid of this killing agent, as soon as possible for the betterment of entire family & your near & dears *Tk, plenty of water to eliminate toxins to hydrate yourself ,preventing constipation. *Don't skip your meal, it should b easily digestible on time to avoid, gastric disorder. *Go for meditation to reduce your stress and to inhale plenty of Oxygen to restore the flexibility of lungs to increase its tidal volume to nourish the whole body including heart of yours. *Tk, apples,carrots, cheese,almonds, walnuts,spinach, papaya,banana, milk,fish, chicken soup.*Tk homoeo medicine ,gentle. & rapid in action with no adverse effect, thereof. @ Nux vom 30-6 pills, thrice *Avoid, caffiene, alcohol,junkfood. Stay fit. # Your feedback is solicited, please. If you can discard smoking for 14 days before blood donation why can't you quit this injurious habit for ever.
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Hi lybrate-user, Donating blood is good it is service to human beings. Good keep it up. Haemoglobin should be between 14 to 18, but 19 is also okay. I do not know what exactly the reason they didn't. It would be better if you stop smoking permanently. I wanted to know how many cigars per day you smoke. Try reducing cigars to one and try to cut down. It would be better if you stop at least for 15 days. All the best. Take care. With regards,
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