Hi, I have a girl child of 21 days. While feeding to her I feel pain in left breast, & it is hard compared to right side breast. Due to it I got fever. Is it any problem with left breast? How it will become soft? Please answer!
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Dear user seems you are facing milk fever no wonder please use these medicines Phytolaca 30 and Belladonna 200 twice for 3 days and update the condition.
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breast becomes hard due to collection of milk so put hot compressions and feed baby from that side till it becomes soft. expulsion of milk will make breast soft. try to feed baby 40 mins on one breast.
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Hi since you r retaining milk may be in the left breast you need to take out your milk first second take care of your self and if fever increases or pain increases then you need to show it to a surgeon near by there is a possibility that you will develop abscess that means pus .it happens with mothers those who breast feed. So do not worry for pain you can have tab paracetamol 650 mg twice a day .for fever also the same. Take care.
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