I am having itching and warmth near around my penis. Once it was cured and again it is recurring. I also have burning sensation around my buttocks if I sit more than one hour. Please suggest me treatment.
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You must be having fungal infection. Avoid steroid containing creams like Zole F etc. �application of steroid containing creams Betnovate etc just suppresses it on surface but it grows beneath the skin and spreads everywhere and also becomes more resistant Fungal infection tends to affect folds of the skin, moist areas like groins, armpits, mouth, genitals, under the breasts, webs between fingers and toes, etc. Our skin protects us from fungal/yeast attack, but any cut or break in the continuity of the skin can allow penetration of fungus. It gives rise to rash, eruptions, redness, burning, intolerable itching and abnormal discharges at times. Fungal infection tends to last for many years if not treated well. It is also contagious. You can consult on private chat for further help or check out our health package for the same.
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