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Hello I am 53 years old, male, doing a mechanical/physical work in workshop. From the last 4-weeks, I started getting a pain on my right elbow when ever I lift something heavy or tight bigger nuts & bolts with more pressure. Doctor told me it's'tennis elbow, take rest. But, as I need to do the job everyday, I can not take rest but try to use left hand to put less pressure on the right hand. Please let me know if oil massage will help. If yes, then what oil I should you to massage to cure the'tennis elbow' thank you.
1Doctor Answered
89% (15477 ratings)
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Kindly show me a photograph of the affected part. Rule out diabetes & vit. D deficiency or any other metabolic disorder. Sleep on a hard bed with soft bedding on it. Spring beds, folding beds or thick matress are harmful Avoid painful acts. Do hot fomantation. Paracetamol 250mg od & sos x 5days. Caldikind plus 1tab od x10. Do neck, back & general exercises. It may have to be further investigated. You will need other supportive medicines also. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the medicines you are going to take. If it does not give relief in 1 wk, contact me again. Do not ignore. It could be beginning of a serious problem.
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