I am 43 years old and having blood pressure since last 10 yeats I am using PATANJALI AYURVED TABLET MUKTAVATI LAST 8 years now my BP is 124/82. My cholesterol level is high I have examined so many times but it remains unchanged. I am feeling tired since last one week and sometimes sleeps in daytime on my working place. Kindly advice me.
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few tips on diet say no to maida items like toast , khaari ,naan ,white bread . can drink tea but without sugar say no to Buffalo milk and can drink cows milk can eat brown bread can eat sprout's can eat green vegetables, can eat chappati ,bajra ka rotla can eat one katori of rice twice a day with dal to avoid farsan food items can eat fruits say no to coconut water
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Dear All is fine You are stressed Please undergo pranayam and yoga too. This will help. Forget about cholesterol figures. They will change with time and donot take medicines for same. Vm.
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Dear lybrate-user, You need to take a break from these supplements and switch to high nutritional value natural foods. Some treatment/medication to bring cholesterol may be needed (count not known) before you rely on natural foods to keep that under check. Stress (of food and work equally) can cause oxidative free radical increase that causes fatigue. This can be treated once counts are known. Regards.
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