How to forget someone who doesn't love us? How to stop loving them? And how to move on?
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Make newer, better friends. If you're looking for a change in your life, try changing the company you keep. The world is a big, wide place, and though your sweetheart might have seemed like the bee's knees when you were dating, they're not the only fish in the sea. New friends bring new perspectives, activities, and conversations—and you'll soon be wondering, "ex-who? This advice is especially important if, after a breakup, you find that some of your friends have "sided" with your ex. Pay these people no attention—focus your energy on finding friends who respect your choices. Fall back on your friends and family for support. The people who love you - your family members, personal mentors, and close friends - want to see you happy. If you're unhappy after a breakup, don't be afraid to ask these people for a little extra love. After all, we all need somebody to lean on. Talking to an old friend, a parent, a sibling, or someone else who's close helps you eliminate built-up stress and patch the whole in your heart. Your love was not the only person that loved you—you just have to remember that and spend time with those that matter. Even if you find that the advice you receive from your close confidants isn't perfect, the sense of comradeship you get from your close relationships can be exactly what you need when you're reeling from the loss of an ex. Some of the people you may consider talking to are professional therapists, psychiatrists, school and occupational counselors, and, if desired, authoritative voices in your community like priests or rabbis. Just find a voice you trust and you're in good hands.
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YOu need to get mind control and meditaion will help .Also read books and listen to music.
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