I have been playing games and seeing videos in my tablet from morning to night continuously for 1 week. Now I am addicted to it. And I have strain. Plzzz help me.
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You are seriously addicted to these games and need help to get out of this habit. There is nothing wrong with these modern gadgets and the tremendous uses they can be put to. But to be completely absorbed in the activity without concern for food, sleep, studies and social contact is going beyond the limit. It is become both compulsive and obsessive. When using the tablet you should also bring in some basic rules and conditions. If you failed to comply, you should give up the item. Now however you are much into it and will react badly but it does not matter. You must set some rules with your parents about the use of the tablet. Here is what you need to do: First, talk to counselor to dissuade you from this extensive use of the games. Then, frame some rules of engagement with the tablet and it can be withdrawn, if you don’t follow some timings, proper eating habits, going to work, and sleeping at night. If you comply, well and good. If not, all the bill and internet can be cut. If that does not work, then just give away the phone to yoru dad and let him give it to you at set times during the day, only. Then, the tablet can be completely confiscated. Another way is to do some chores for the family that will take you away from the tablet for brief moments. You could also live with a relative in a remote place, if you have someone there, and leave the tablet at home during that trip. You must learn other ways of self-control and keep yourself busy with people and activities that will engage you and make life interesting.
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You have to use willpower and top using it and do meditation for mind control
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