Hi sir I'm fat from chidwood 90 kg n I have lost fat nw I'm 78 kg my problem is my chest looks lyk man boobs wen its cold my chest look ertic good n wen it hot its look lyk soft man boobs his it gynecomastia or bodyfat.
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I will suggest you to do suryanamaskar daily as per your capacity for a minimum of six months.
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Male breast or gynecomastia reduction. Is one of the most frequently performed office surgeries and we are the pioneers in central India since last 30 years. To the best of our knowledge no medicines or creams work to decrease the breast Size. Gynecomastia is treatable by surgery. There is no medical treatment. It is a one day out patient surgery with very gratifying results. It boosts self esteem also. The Dr. Can examine and tell you what is the problem, gynecomastia has a breast tissue and a fat component. No one wants surgery unless it is necessary. There is no medication which can give the results. Surgery is the only answer. The surgery is almost painless because there are enough medications to keep the pain under control. You may need 1-2 days rest. Including the day of surgery. It is considered as an office surgery procedure.
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