He has a problem while sex his pins edge is paining while having sex and after also pls help him.
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Carefully pull back and clean underneath the foreskin, as well as the tip of your penis (the glans). Make sure you pat the area dry rather than rubbing it. Do not use soap or shower gel, and avoid contact with anything that may have caused, or may worsen, the irritation. A cool compress may be used to soothe any pain. If not cured consult me for homoepathic treatment..
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Dear Lybrate user. Penile pain is an itching, burning, or unpleasant throbbing sensation in the base, shaft, head, or foreskin of the penis. Penile pain can be a result of an accident or disease like balantis, urinary tract infection, urithritis, bladder stone, prostatitis, herpes, chalmydia etc. You should leave it untreated. Do consult an urologist at the earliest. Take care.
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