From few days when I go for urine, sperm is getting released in liquid form. Usually when I go for a romance (not sex) with my partner, sperm is getting released and my pennis is being wet for sometime. Even I stopped doing masturbating. Is this any side effect or anything harmful for future and how will that get cured to avoid the release of sperm when I am not doing any sex activity.
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1. Spermatorrhoea means involuntary loss of semen, which generally takes place during sleep or under various conditions (during urination or at stool) at other times. It is commonly calledNocturnal Emissions or Wet Dreams. Homeopathic treatment cures spermatorrhoea and seminal losses and take away its side effects. 2.It is called precum which is released when you do romance. Excess semen leakage leads to weakness, fatigue, back pain, hair loss, testicular pain, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, pelvic cramp etc. Do not ignore necessity to get treated. Homoepathic treatment will cure precum as well as its side effects permanently.
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Undergo Doppler study and inform privately.
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The white sticky discharge you get even with slight excitement is nothing but a secretion of Periurethral glands located in urethra. This is normal secretion of these glands which help in free passage of thick semen through Urethra during ejaculation. This is excessive in your case .It will settle down itself once you get used to normal sexual life.
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Dear Lybrate user. Semen seeping through penis after urination or while having sexual thoughts or while with an attractive girl or woman or while waking up in the morning etc is common and it is not a problem at all. This is a natural body procedure whereby your body tries to evacuate the stored semen. Semen is produced within your body whenever you are sexually (even slightly) excited and is stored within your body. Now this stored semen is a waste product that your body wants to throw out. This is a natural process and you don't have any control over it. I also assure you that this is never unhealthy. Take care.
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