My hands and fingers started shivering for no reason from the past week and increasing by the day. They Can not seem to stop shivering and I am worried that it might be chronic. And while sleeping my hands starts twitching. Please help.
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Parkinson's disease-KAMPAVATA (A Neurological Disorder) Parkinson's disease is a neurological disease, or brain disorder, that leads to progressive difficulty with balance and coordination. In people who have Parkinson's disease, nerve cells in a region of the brain known as the substantia nigra become damaged or die. These cells are important because they produce the chemical dopamine, which helps to coordinate body movement-basal ganglia. When dopamine-producing cells degenerate/die, the areas in the brain that control movement can no longer function properly, and symptoms of Parkinson's disease eventually develop. Parkinson?s Disease Prevalence:- Parkinson's disease can affect anyone, but it most often occurs in people who are over the age of 50. Only 15 percent of Parkinson's disease patients are diagnosed before they are 50 years old. The prevalence of Parkinson's disease is nearly the same in both men and women, and recovery rate is more in men. People with a family history of Parkinson's may have a higher risk of developing the disease, but Parkinson's disease is rarely attributed to genetics alone. Parkinson's Disease Symptoms Symptoms of Parkinson's disease usually develop after about 80 percent of the brain's dopamine-producing cells are lost. The Main symptoms of Parkinson's disease include: ? Tremors (Kampam)- Tremulousness (uncontrolled shaking or trembling) of the hands, arms, legs, face, body is often one of the first indicators of Parkinson's disease. ? Rigidity. Profound stiffness or an inability to easily move the arms, legs, and trunk, pain and stiffness on neck muscles is another hallmark of Parkinson's. ? Bradykinesia:- describes the unnaturally slow movements that are characteristic of people with Parkinson's disease. ? Poor balance- Parkinson's disease affects balance, leading to difficulty walking and impaired coordination. The symptoms of Parkinson's are generally mild at first, but become more severe over time, until they eventually interfere with your daily routine. This is usually the point when treatment is recommended. The Outlook for People with Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease is a chronic, progressive condition, which means it is a lifelong disease that worsens over time when it is not treated properly. Each individual's situation is different, but in general, the first symptoms of Parkinson's disease usually don't require treatment and may be restricted to one area or one side of the body. Movement of symptoms to the other side of the body ? Tremors that become more pronounced and interfere with activities ? Bradykinesia, or slow movement, that becomes disabling ? Difficulty with hand writing ? Impaired swallowing and chewing ? Speech that becomes monotone ? Poor balance and repeated falls ? Slow, shuffling gait (manner of walking) ? Stooped posture ? Facial expressions that become stiff and blank ? Chronic constipation ? Poor bladder control ? Sleep disturbances This progression is gradual in most people, but it may happen faster in some than others. Understandably, stress caused by the progression of the disease can lead to anxiety and depression. Ayurveda Treatment: There is cure for Parkinson's disease with Ayurveda treatment, With Ayurveda medicines and treatments we can relieve symptoms, slow down the progression and then we can completely arrest further degeneration of the of the cells, thereby we can completely control and cure the disease. If you are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, it is important to work closely with your medical team, so your medications can be regularly adjusted to help you remain as functional as possible for as long as possible. As far as Parkinson's disease is concerned this is a brain related issue, so will surely effect the mind; so I recommend 49% treatment to patients and 51% treatment to family members.
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