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I am a college student and I suffered from typhoid in the year 2016 and then came the side effects of medicines like hair fall and stuff but once everything was sorted out, I realized that my hunger was reduced drastically so I tried to eat more than I craved for, but I did complement it with exercises like cycling and going to the gym. In a few days, I started feeling acidity, and it was bad, I haven't ever felt acidity like that, it was like my chest was burning, I consulted a doctor and consumed the medicines and was able to get rid of the issue but not for long. Within a few weeks, I started feeling it again but this time, the intensity was quite low, so I thought "It will go away, I just have to control my diet"- as in eat less spicy food and eat less food for that matter but I still suffer from it and it has lead to frequent belching and when I wake up in the morning, my throat feels jam but it's not phlegm, it's just excess saliva. Also, it might be relevant that due to a strange sinus condition, I always have some mucus in my sinuses no matter how much I clean or get treated and only recently has some of it made it's way to my chest but I think, I've spit most of it out. Please help. In case I need to see a doctor please specify their name too.

1Doctor Answered
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