Dear doctor I am suffering from ed 1 year onwards my age is32 and I am using viagra tabs 100 mg. I attend to all tests but every thing is normal. I am not diabetic. But why erection is difficult to me. Wat is the problem. Wat is the cure.
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Hello. Lybrate user, aid might cause erectile dysfunction. Please, consume, ?Vitamin A, B, C, E, Energy. Zinc, omega3, fatty acid, anti - oxidants, protein, amino acid, Folic acid, testosterone to improve blood flow to reproductive organ.?Tk, apples, carrots, bananas, almonds, walnuts, oyster, eggs, spinach, garlic, pumpkin- seeds, Black chocolates. ?Meditation for 30 minutes will reduce your stress, anxiety, nourish cells, tissues, penile, pelvic and groin muscle to improve erectile dysfunction, resulting which enhancement of sperm count be ensured with correction in erectile. Dusfunction, too. ?Take, plenty of water to eliminate toxins and to regulate metabolism to absorb nutritions, vitamins, protein, minerals to provide energy to d body. Your diet should be easily digestible, simple, non- irritant, on time to b digested properly. ?Medication: Homoe medicines: Acid phos1000-6, wkly. Five phos 6x-4, tbs, with lukewarm water. ?Avoidance: caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, junk food, polluted atmosphere, Dust, smoke, scorching sun. Report,� fortnightly. Your feedback matters. For further follow-up,� please. Stay fit and fine.
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Causes of ED- obesity, diabetes, hypertension, kidney ds, thyroid ds, neurological problem, psychological problems, hormonal issues, hyperlipidemia, vascular causes etc. So basically, if your all tests are normal then do maintain normal weight according to your height, do regular cardio excercise, quit smoking and alcohal.
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Unless we see all years latest investigation reports it would be hard to say why you have ed. However the first sign of a future cardiovascular disorder is an Erectile Dysfunction. I request you to consult a good certified sexologist and seek treatment. Taking sidanafile 100 mg is too high. Dose for your age and it has its own set of side effects. All the very best.
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