I have issue of my height. I'm of 21 years old girl and have 5.2 height with 40 kg of weight. I have passion to take admission in PAF officer. They require 5.5 height. Is it possible that my height increase now? Please recommend me the best options so I could not further be depressed. Hope for the positive feedback. Thank you.
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Hello, Lybrate user, �You should take, 1000-1300 calories through dietary regulation �?� Tk, apples, carrots,cheese, ripened mangoes, soya been, peas, potatoes,rajma, papaya,bananas, milk,pumpkins, tomatoes,spinach, almonds,walnuts, chicken soup, to provide amino acid, omega-3 to feel healthy. �?Tk, banana with hot milk and butter in d breakfast. ?Add, ghee in lunch with sprouts, salad, & fruits, providing adequate nutrition. ?go for aerobics for 30 mnts. ? Go for meditation ,yoga to reduce your stress and to nourish cells, tissues to enshape your body & to restore your energy, lost. �? go for cycling, jogging,skipping, hanging on a bar in a garden, either. � ?� Tk, plenty of water free from contaminants to eliminate toxins &'regulate your metabolism to absorb protein, preventing constipation vitamins, minerals, energy & other important substance essential to upkeep ,repair & energise the body. ?, your diet b easily digestible, simple, non - irritant, on time. ?Tk, Homoeo medicine which are gentle in use, acts rapidly without any adverse effect, thereof. @ Baryta� carb 30-6 pills, thrice. Ensure, sound sleep, for 7 hrs, at least in d night. �? Your feedback will highly b appreciated for further, follow up, please. Tk care.
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Yes, you just have to believe that you can. Believing that you can increase your height is half the battle. You won't see results in a month or two but you you have to be strong and determined and keep yourself motivated because t requires quite a lot effort on your side. Eat a well balanced diet. Your diet should include plentiful amounts of all seasonal fruits and vegetables (especially spinach, broccoli, turnips) along with eggs, milk, curd, nuts and seeds and oatmeal. Also, taking mineral supplements containing calcium (with vitamin D), magnesium and zinc for some duration may help. In addition, you are advised to start doing more physical activity (running, swimming, or any other sport). You can also perform yoga asanas and stretching to lengthen your shortened muscles and giving them a stimulus to grow. some of them are jump and skipping rope, toe touch, pelvic stretch, cobra stretch, triangle pose, mountain pose, sun salutation (surya namaskar), mountain pose and hanging from the bar.
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Dear user. Hope is the reason for your depression. You should know the reality. You are already 21. So I don't see any medicines or exercises can help you in gaining the required 3 more inches. Exercise could provide one inch maximum. I suggest you to find another alternative to follow your dream instead of being depressed about what you cannot help. Take care.
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