Peripherally Arranged Follicles
As per my report, my right ovary size is 9.1 cc and left ovary size is 9.0 cc. And both ovaries show e/o subcentimetric ...
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Follow these herbal combination for complete cure sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day shila sindoor 125 mg twice a day rati modak avleh 10 gms twice a day after breakfast and dinner with water send your reports initially.
Both ovaries are bulky and show multiple peripherally arranged subcentimetric follicles with central echogenic stroma ri ...
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Follow these herbal combinations for complete cure sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day gulmkalanal avleh 10 gm twice a day send your reports.
Left ovary is enlarged in size. Left ovary show multiple tiny peripherally arranged follicles with raised stromal echoge ...
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Follow these herbal combinations for complete cure sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day shila sindoor 125 mg twice a day rajah pravartini avleh 10 gm twice a day gulmkalanal avleh 10 gm twice a day.
My usg report impression is- multiple peripherally arranged small follicle 6to8 mm with increased echogenicity of centra ...
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Follow these herbal combinations for complete cure sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day rajah pravartini avleh 10 gm twice a day send your reports.
My left overy showing dominant follicle of 19 mm approx along with few tiny immature peripherally arranged follicles. Pl ...
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Only small part of one report can not decide that. Any couple desirous of pregnancy and not getting the same naturally must meet a gynecologist or infertility specialist accepting the fact that it needs many reports and different trials of treatment. This means the couple must have patience and go to one with whom they have trust to stick for a long time.
Both ovaries are mild bulky in size & multiple tiny follicles are arranged peripherally & stroma is echogenic but no dom ...
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Pcod/pcos is a common hormonal disorder in women which can lead to weight gain and irregular periods. While most women depend on pills to deal with it, these simple changes in your lifestyle will help you deal with the condition in a better way. 1.Nutritional approach: deficiency of micronutrients contributes to insulin insensitivity and compromise ovarian function. So, 1. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic) or any seasonal fruit or soaked almonds and a glass of plain water first thing in the morning (preferably within 10 mins of waking up). No only biscuits or rusk will not do. 2. Don't overeat 3. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever your mother or grandparent eat in bfast. I mean to say whatever is your traditional food. If punjabi eat paratha, if belongs to south then take idli/ dosa etc. 4. Have light meals every 2 hours (in addition to your breakfast, lunch n dinner) e.g. Nariyal paani, chaach, a handful of dry fruits, a handful of peanuts, seasonal fruit (eat whole fruit not juice), a cup of curd/milk etc 5. Finish your dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep. Take simple food like rice n dal in dinner. 6. Avoid fast foods n fried foods7. Take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 8. Drink lot of water9. Everyday preferably sleep on same time10. Maintain active life style2. Exercise strategies: regular workouts are non-negotiable. They are essential to burn off fat stores for hormonal balance and regular ovulation. You should join a gym for weight training. Do it 2-3 times a week with at least 48 hours in between 2 sessions. Other days you can do cardio exercises like yoga, cycling, swimming etc. Till lock down do suryanamaskar. Https:// V=wmhmazurgvs&feature=youtu. Be3. Sleep: adequate sleep is non-negotiable too. Sleeping at a more or less fixed time every day and for an adequate number of hours is a prerequisite to keep hormones in sync. 4. De-stress yourself: love yourself more than anyone else, prioritize your health, learn to say no, take time out to exercise and relax. Pursue your favorite activities, learn a new skill, and never ignore your body signals. For this homeopathic treatment is very effectivefor details consult online.
What is the meaning of both ovaries are bulky and shows hyperechoic stroma and peripherally arranges tiny follicles and ...
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. The stroma of the ovary is a unique type of connective tissue abundantly supplied with blood vessels, consisting for the most part of spindle-shaped stroma cells. These appear similar to fibroblasts. The stroma also contains ordinary connective tissue such as reticular fibers and collagen. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
Both ovaries are enlarge in size with ecohogenic stroma shows multiple peripherally arranged follicles measuring 45×33×2 ...
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It's over growth follicles turned in to cyst, it's pcod case, proper treatment is required in such cases, we treat lots of such cases by ayurveda treatment send me all your medical reports on my profile by private consultation after seen your report I will suggest best for you.
Both ovaries are bulky and shows multiple peripherally arranged follicles with central echogenic stroma largest follicle ...
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Pcod/pcos is a common hormonal disorder in women which can lead to weight gain and irregular periods. While most women depend on pills to deal with it, these simple changes in your lifestyle will help you deal with the condition in a better way. 1.Nutritional approach: deficiency of micronutrients contributes to insulin insensitivity and compromise ovarian function. So, 1. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic) or any seasonal fruit or soaked almonds and a glass of plain water first thing in the morning (preferably within 10 mins of waking up). No only biscuits or rusk will not do. 2. Don't overeat 3. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever your mother or grandparent eat in bfast. I mean to say whatever is your traditional food. If punjabi eat paratha, if belongs to south then take idli/ dosa etc. 4. Have light meals every 2 hours (in addition to your breakfast, lunch n dinner) e.g. Nariyal paani, chaach, a handful of dry fruits, a handful of peanuts, seasonal fruit (eat whole fruit not juice), a cup of curd/milk etc 5. Finish your dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep. Take simple food like rice n dal in dinner. 6. Avoid fast foods n fried foods7. Take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 8. Drink lot of water9. Everyday preferably sleep on same time10. Maintain active life style2. Exercise strategies: regular workouts are non-negotiable. They are essential to burn off fat stores for hormonal balance and regular ovulation. You should join a gym for weight training. Do it 2-3 times a week with at least 48 hours in between 2 sessions. Other days you can do cardio exercises like yoga, cycling, swimming etc. 3. Sleep: adequate sleep is non-negotiable too. Sleeping at a more or less fixed time every day and for an adequate number of hours is a prerequisite to keep hormones in sync. 4. De-stress yourself: love yourself more than anyone else, prioritize your health, learn to say no, take time out to exercise and relax. Pursue your favorite activities, learn a new skill, and never ignore your body signals. For more details you can consult me.
Hello sir/ma'am, my usg reports says, - uterus is anteverted and measured 6.2*4.1*3.3 cm in size. - endometrial echoes a ...
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Yes. But you have not mentioned your symptoms. Pcod/pcos is a common hormonal disorder in women which can lead to weight gain and irregular periods. While most women depend on pills to deal with it, these simple changes in your lifestyle will help you deal with the condition in a better way. 1.Nutritional approach: deficiency of micronutrients contributes to insulin insensitivity and compromise ovarian function. So, 1. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic) or any seasonal fruit or soaked almonds and a glass of plain water first thing in the morning (preferably within 10 mins of waking up). No only biscuits or rusk will not do. 2. Don't overeat 3. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever your mother or grandparent eat in bfast. I mean to say whatever is your traditional food. If punjabi eat paratha, if belongs to south then take idli/ dosa etc. 4. Have light meals every 2 hours (in addition to your breakfast, lunch n dinner) e.g. Nariyal paani, chaach, a handful of dry fruits, a handful of peanuts, seasonal fruit (eat whole fruit not juice), a cup of curd/milk etc 5. Finish your dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep. Take simple food like rice n dal in dinner. 6. Avoid fast foods n fried foods7. Take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 8. Drink lot of water9. Everyday preferably sleep on same time10. Maintain active life style2. Exercise strategies: regular workouts are non-negotiable. They are essential to burn off fat stores for hormonal balance and regular ovulation. You should join a gym for weight training. Do it 2-3 times a week with at least 48 hours in between 2 sessions. Other days you can do cardio exercises like yoga, cycling, swimming etc. Till lock down do suryanamaskar. Https:// V=wmhmazurgvs&feature=youtu. Be3. Sleep: adequate sleep is non-negotiable too. Sleeping at a more or less fixed time every day and for an adequate number of hours is a prerequisite to keep hormones in sync. 4. De-stress yourself: love yourself more than anyone else, prioritize your health, learn to say no, take time out to exercise and relax. Pursue your favorite activities, learn a new skill, and never ignore your body signals. For this homeopathic treatment is very effectivefor details consult online.