Top Questions on Treating Snoring
I have loud snoring issues. When I was 6 years old due to an accident my nose get injured and dislocated towards left. A ...
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Well if you wants to cure then you need to correct your dns first then you can go for proper homeopathic treatment which will help.
How to stop or get rid of snoring problem when I go anywhere it embraces so much no one want to sleep with me pls any su ...
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. Sleeping on your back sometimes causes your tongue to move to the back of your throat, which partly blocks airflow through your throat. Sleeping on your side may be all you need to do to allow air to flow easily and reduce or stop your snoring. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a treatment plan for you.
Hi I snore between 4-5 am. Sometimes it's heavy, other times it's like breathing heavy. What must I do now? Is snoring a ...
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. Heavy snoring sounds are the most common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (osa), a sleep disorder characterized by disrupted breathing during sleep. It develops as a result of airway blockages due to muscular or neurological malfunction. Among other heavy snoring causes are obesity, smoking, and drinking alcohol. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
My 3-year-old child has started snoring while sleeping. Do adenoids cause snoring? ...
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Yes, enlarged adenoids make nasal airways narrower. So if your child is having an enlarged adenoid, it is most likely that your child will snore and face breathing issues and it can lead to sleep disruption. If sleep is affected over a longer term, this needs to be taken care of and immediate medical assistance is required.
Hi, I work out three times in a week. I moved to a different city and living in guest accommodations. They said I am sno ...
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. Treatment options may include continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) therapy, an oral appliance from a dental specialist, or even surgery. Fortunately, effective therapy can resolve snoring and improve sleep. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
Hello sir. This is nagraj. 39 years old non alcoholic, non smoker, I am suffering with sleep apnea and getting have snor ...
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. If left untreated, sleep apnea can result in a number of health problems including hypertension, stroke, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the muscle tissue of the heart), heart failure, diabetes, obesity and heart attacks. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
I am 32 years old male working as a software engineer with hectic workload of 12-14 hrs a day. Since 2 months I have dev ...
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. Snoring is often associated with a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (osa). Not all snorers have osa, but if snoring is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, it may be an indication to see a doctor for further evaluation for osa: witnessed breathing pauses during sleep. Excessive daytime sleepiness. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
From last 1 year I am having the problem of snoring. People sleeping besides me gets irritated because of this problem o ...
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Start doing yoga, do deep breathing exercises, need proper homeopathic treatment which can be helpful.
Can dns be addressed / cured without nasal surgery. Can machine help stop snoring. ...
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1. Do saline gargles daily. 2. Whenever possible do steam inhalation also. 3. Cover your nose and mouth with hanky for at least 30 sec when you go in dusty areas also when you go in and out of ac. As our nose is the most sensitive part of our body, when there is temperature difference between two rooms or inside n outside, then if we not protect our nose, it gets affected. 4. Drink hot liquids --hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat. Homeopathic treatment has very encouraging results and gives relief in long term consult online with details.
I am facing snoring problem from last 2 month at the time sleeping, now my partner unhappy for my snoring problem. ...
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. The most common reason for snoring is probably a blocked nose. Most of us will occasionally wheeze, whistle or snore when we have a cold that is stuffing up our airways. However, this kind of snoring is usually temporary and goes away when the infection clears up. For many people, snoring is a more permanent problem. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.