MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology), DMAS, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Lucknow
16 years experience
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Tubal infertility is incurable.
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With the advancement of science and modern technologies, infertility issues are addressed to phenomenally. Tubal infertility is completely curable. The treatment is usually through tubal surgery or can be done through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Laparoscopy can also be done to diagnose and treat tubal damage. Castor Oil Therapy is also one of the well-known practices that have been used for centuries.
How much of infertility cases are caused by tubal factor infertility?
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About 20% - 25% of infertility cases in women are accounted for by tubal infertility. It may include cases where the fallopian tubes are completely blocked. It may also include cases where only one of the tubes is blocked or even cases where there is absolutely no blockage. The causes of these can be attributed to different sources of infection and in a few cases, the tubal damage may occur due to disorders. You can try fertility cleansing to increase circulation.
Tubal infertility cannot be investigated.
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The diagnosis of tubal factor infertility is done through hysterosalpingogram, which is an X-ray test. The test is performed in a radiology department. The contrast material is injected through the cervix and into the uterine cavity. If there are no blockages in the fallopian tubes, the dye flows without any restriction and can thus be pictured. You could try out clear passages therapy which is a technique to unblock the fallopian tubes.
What causes tubal infertility?
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The most common reasons that cause tubal factor infertility are Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID, Endometriosis or pelvic infection. Scar tissues can form after pelvic surgery. If the tubal damage is minor, it could be difficult to ascertain if the tubal infertility is primarily because of the tubal damage. Other significant causes could be contributing to resulting infertility. If standard infertility testing performed on couples produce no other causes of infertility, the tubal factor is presumed to be the problem. However, minimal tubal scarring can lead to an inconclusive result or unexplained fertility. You can also resort to systemic enzyme therapy that breakdown excess scar tissue.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease can result in infertility.
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Gonorrhea or chlamydia is a bacterial infection affecting from the cervix up to the uterus and fallopian tubes. This can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. Infection in these tissues can cause a severe inflammatory response. Thus bacteria, along with white blood cells and pus fill up the fallopian tubes as a result of the body's defense mechanism against the infection. Eventually, the bacteria would be controlled and destroyed. But scar tissue would be permanently formed on the delicate inner lining of the tubes. The scar tissues might block the ovaries or can even form on the outer lining of the tubes and ovaries, thus causing infertility if not prevented at an early stage by using aggressive antibiotics. Abdominal or Fertility Massage can do wonders.