Pregnancy cannot be achieved at all by women above the age of 40.
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It is possible that older women who are above the age of 40 can achieve pregnancy, but they do have risks. With the advent of IVF, any woman who still has healthy eggs left in her ovary can get pregnant, but since with age, the healthy eggs decrease so there remains a risk of miscarriage. However, this risk is 50%. So there are chances of getting pregnant as well. Always weigh the risks before taking the decision to get pregnant.
What is the major cause of infertility in older women?
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Reduction of fertility in old women is heard all the time. But this reduction is not due to damage to anatomical features. It is mainly because of the reduction of the number of healthy eggs left in the ovary. According to research, the ovaries and fallopian tubes are not damaged structurally with age, but the number of eggs reduces. If a woman has a considerable number of healthy eggs left, then she can opt for IVF even at an older age.
A test of Anti-Mullerian Hormone is equally important for IVF to be successful.
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For those of you who do not know what the Anti-Mullerian Hormone or AMH does, you should know that this hormone is secreted by the good and healthy follicles. This means that the higher the level of AMH, higher is the chance of success of IVF. Thus, AMH levels are directly related to the number of eggs left in your ovary. AMH does not indicate the quality of eggs, so an FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) test is a must.
How can you determine if an older woman is eligible for IVF?
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The eligible candidates for in-vitro fertilization are chosen by whether they have enough amount of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)) or not. When FSH levels are found to be high on the 3rd day, it means that the number of healthy eggs has reduced considerably and a very high level indicates a complete failure of ovaries. This means that IVF can never prove to be successful. A basal FSH level test can be performed to test the level of the hormone on various days of the month.
Chronological age of a woman is more important than biological age in determining the success of IVF.
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Chronological age of a woman is determined by the years that the woman has lived. On the other hand, the biological age is determined by the number of healthy eggs left in her ovary. Since IVF success depends on the quality and quantity of eggs that a woman has in her ovary, thus biological age is far more important than the chronological one. Consult your doctor before embarking on the IVF procedure regarding the success rates in your case.