BHMS, VLIR Belgium, Canadian Academy Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
24 years experience
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Irregular or scanty menstrual periods are a sign of infertility in women.
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While irregular periods can indicate certain health problems, it can also just be due to lower levels of testosterone. You could have irregular or scanty periods and still be easily able to conceive. If you do, however, have fertility problems at the same time scarce and irregular periods, homeopathic medicine such as Pulsatilla and Sepia can be prescribed to you. These medicines are used to treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and can increase fertility in women.
Diabetes can cause infertility in men.
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Diabetes can affect fertility in men. Along with the host of health problems that diabetes brings, it can cause genetic damage to the sperm, causing infertility. Depending on the type of diabetes and other variables, professionals can prescribe homeopathic medication such as uranium nitrate, phosphoric acid or lactic acid for treatment of diabetes.
Women can only conceive during ovulation.
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Ovulation only lasts one day out the menstrual cycle but women can conceive during the ''fertility window'' that starts from five days before ovulation and lasts to two to five days after ovulation. This is because sperm can live up to five days after sexual intercourse. When trying to conceive, it is best to engage in sexual intercourse every alternate day during the ''fertility window''. If you have irregular menstrual periods and have trouble determining when your ''fertility window'' is, you can purchase disposable ovulation tests in order to help you figure it out. If you feel that you are having trouble conceiving even after finding out your ovulation dates, Sepia can be prescribed to you in order to increase fertility.
Which of the followings is the more common cause for male infertility?
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Diabetes is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction, closely followed by enlarged prostate. Acid phos is used to treat ED that is caused by diabetes. Sabal serrulata can be used to treat fertility problems caused by enlarged prostate and prostatitis. Agnus Castus is also a homeopathic remedy that is prescribed for infertility in men, but it is generally prescribed as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Being regularly prescribed for depression, this medication can also have positive effects on your overall mental health.
Which of the followings is the most common symptom accompanying infertility in women?
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Menorrhagia can occur for a number of reasons and can often but not necessarily be a symptom accompanying infertility. Fertility problems accompanied by heavy or prolonged periods can be treated with homeopathic medication such as Calcarea carb and Aletris farinose. Also prescribed to men for erectile dysfunction, Agnus Castus can be used to treat loss of libido in women. Women facing fertility issues alongside lack of sex drive and low libido can be prescribed this homeopathic remedy in order to restore their sex drive as well as increase fertility. Women facing fertility problems alongside acidic vaginal discharge can be prescribed borax.