Minimal invasive surgery in gynaecology, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, DNB, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Mumbai
26 years experience
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A person suffering from depression due to infertility should not take anti-depressants
1 of 5
Studies have shown that anti-depressant medicines inhibit the effectiveness of fertility treatment. While having depression is a common phenomenon that accompanies infertility, treating it through medication is best avoided.
If you are struggling with infertility, it is best to avoid involving others into the situation
2 of 5
Being infertile is known to create stress and anxiety for those trying to deal with it. There is no need to go through the struggle alone as having a support group will go a long way in fostering positive feelings and preventing depression. So open up and talk about it!
Watching your diet is an important part of infertility management
3 of 5
The increased stress levels that arise out of infertility can cause your general health to deteriorate if you do not take good care of yourself. It is advisable to remove salt, sugar and saturated fats from your diet if you are trying to manage infertility.
Which of the following treatment methods is used for dealing with infertility in men?
4 of 5
One of the common causes of infertility in men is an abnormality in hormone levels, particularly that of testosterone. Hormone therapy aims to treat the problem by restoring balance in the production of hormones that affect reproductive function.
Which of the following treatment methods is used for dealing with infertility in women?
5 of 5
There are numerous ways to deal with infertility in women. Over the years, science and medicines have made a lot of technical progress with regard to letting infertile women achieve pregnancy