The development of bumps and blisters on your skin surface accompanied by severe itching are the symptoms of a skin condition known as scabies. It is caused by a burrowing mite called sarcoptes scabiei. A patient experiences itching in the more
The complexion of a person is determined by a pigment known as melanin. More the amount of melanin in a person, darker the complexion. The benefit of melanin is effective sun protection, and it prevents damage from sun exposure. We have noticed more
For those who have oily skin, oil blotting sheets can be used to control shine from the accumulated oil on the more
Hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is a condition that affects both men and women equally. Surgical hair transplantation is the only solution for restoring the lost hair in pattern baldness when medical hair restoration more
A normal human being loses 50 to 100 hairs on a daily basis, but it doesn t make thinning of scalp hair noticeable because new hair is growing in at the same time. Visible hair loss occurs when the cycle of hair shedding and growth is disrupted more